You are here: Kiosk > Configuring Kiosk v2

Configuring Kiosk v2

The Kiosk is essentially the same as a networked Idealpos POS Terminal and can be configured in the same manner.

E.g. Configure each Kiosk terminal with a static IP address, then enter each Kiosk's IP address into their relevant entry in Back Office > Setup > Networking.

Kiosk receipt printers are also configured in the same way as a standard Idealpos POS Terminal via Back Office > Setup > Network Printers.

Items ordered from the Kiosk will print to their respective Kitchen Printers.


Kiosk recommended image sizes

The following is a listing of the recommended image sizes for Kiosk:

Kiosk Logo - 150x45 [if a larger logo size is used, Kiosk should auto-fit the logo, but this size can be used if preferred]

Kiosk Home Screen Logo/Image - 1080x1920 pixels

Kiosk Stock Item Images - 518x433 pixels


Kiosk v2 Quick Links

Click on any of the following links to skip to the required section:



Enabling Kiosk v2

To enable and use Kiosk v2, the following conditions must be met:


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Customising the Kiosk Colour Scheme

The Colour Scheme used by the Kiosk can be customised by going to:

Back Office > Setup > POS Terminals > Select the Kiosk Terminal > Modify > Display/Kiosk.

Within the Display/Kiosk tab, select the Kiosk screen element from the Colours dropdown box.



Once a Kiosk screen element has been selected, the square shown to the right of the Colours dropdown box will display the current colour for that element.

Press the square to open the colour selector.



The colour selector is displayed.



The following Kiosk screen elements can be customised via the Colours dropdown box.

Click on any of the following options to see a visual representation showing which area of the Kiosk is affected after modifying that element's colour.

To demonstrate each example below, the same Crimson Red colour has been set whilst the other Kiosk elements were left as the default Idealpos Kiosk colour scheme.

This is to bring attention to the screen elements affected by the colour change.



Additional buttons are available to aid in the process of configuring Colours on the Kiosk:

Restore Defaults - This button will restore the default Colour Scheme for the Kiosk.

Save - This button will display a file browser window to enable the current Kiosk Colour Scheme to be saved to a *.kcs [Kiosk Colour Scheme] file.

Load - This button will display a file browser window to enable a previously saved Colour Scheme to be loaded from a *.kcs [Kiosk Colour Scheme] file.


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Customising the Kiosk Logo

The recommended Kiosk Logo Image resolution is 150x45, however, Idealpos Kiosk will auto-fit larger images in the area designated for the logo.

Supported Kiosk Logo Image file formats include JPG and PNG.

To specify a custom Kiosk Logo, place the desired image file into the following folder location of each POS Terminal/Kiosk:


Go to: Back Office > Setup > POS Terminals > Select the Kiosk Terminal > Modify > Display/Kiosk.

Within the Display/Kiosk tab, enter the filename of the Kiosk Logo Image into the Logo Image field.



After the logo has been configured, the Kiosk will need to be restarted for the change to take effect.

The logo will appear on the top-left corner of the Kiosk screen.



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Customising the Home Screen Images

The recommended Home Screen Image size is 1080x1920.

Supported Kiosk Home Screen Image file formats include JPG and PNG.

Any image specified in the below Home Screen Image field will override the Global Options Home Screen Graphic setting (Back Office > Setup > Global Options > Other Options > Home Screen > Home Screen Graphic).

I.e. If an image is not specified in the Kiosk's Home Screen Image field, the Kiosk will display the Home Screen Graphic from the abovementioned Global Options setting.

If an image is specified in the Kiosk's Home Screen Image field, that image will be used instead of the Global Options Home Screen Graphic.

To specify a Kiosk Home Screen Image, place the desired image into the following folder location on each POS Terminal/Kiosk:

C:\ProgramData\Idealpos Solutions\Idealpos\Pictures\


Go to: Back Office > Setup > POS Terminals > Select the Kiosk Terminal > Modify > Display/Kiosk.

Within the Display/Kiosk tab, enter the filename of the Home Screen Logo Image into Home Screen Image field.



After the Home Screen Image has been configured, the Kiosk will need to be restarted for the change to take effect.



The Kiosk Home Screen Image shown below is included in the Idealpos Demo Database.

The filename of the image is "Kiosk2 Homescreen.jpg" and can be found in one of the following folder locations:

C:\ProgramData\Idealpos Solutions\Idealpos\Pictures\

C:\ProgramData\Idealpos Solutions\Idealpos\PicturesDemo\



If additional images are required to be cycled after the Home Screen Image, these images can be placed into a folder location and that location can be specified in the Home Screen Images Location field.

Any images in that folder location will be cycled after the Home Screen Image is displayed.

Specify the Home Screen Images Location in the following field (in Back Office > Setup > POS Terminal > Select the Kiosk Terminal > Modify > Display/Kiosk > Home Screen Images Location).



The number of seconds between images can also be adjusted via the setting in Back Office > Setup > Global Options > Other Options > Home Screen > Seconds between images.


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Order Finalised Image

When a Kiosk order is finalised by a customer, the Kiosk can be configured to display a finalised order image.

The image will be displayed for approximately 5 seconds and can be a Thank You message or any other information that you want to briefly display to the customer after they've placed their order. After the Order Finalised Image is displayed for 5 seconds, the main Home Screen Image will be displayed, ready for the next customer.

If a Finalised Image is not configured, the Kiosk will simply display the main Home Screen Image after the customer finalises their order.


To configure the Order Finalised Image, copy a 1080x1920 image into the Pictures folder on the Kiosk (C:\ProgramData\Idealpos Solutions\Idealpos\Pictures\).

Go to: Back Office > Setup > POS Terminals > Select the Kiosk Terminal > Modify > Display/Kiosk tab > Order Finalised Image > Enter the filename of the image.



After a customer places an order, the Order Finalised Image will be displayed.



The Kiosk Thank you Image shown below is included in the Idealpos Demo Database.

The filename of the image is "Kiosk Thankyou.jpg" and can be found in one of the following folder locations:

C:\ProgramData\Idealpos Solutions\Idealpos\Pictures\

C:\ProgramData\Idealpos Solutions\Idealpos\PicturesDemo\



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Kiosk Closed Image

When a Kiosk is closed via the Open From/To function or via the Close Kiosk Function, the Kiosk will display the Closed Image which has been configured.

Whilst the Kiosk is Closed, no input will be accepted from the Kiosk Touchscreen.

Regardless of whether or not a Kiosk Closed Image is configured, the Kiosk Open From/To and/or Close Kiosk function will still allow a Kiosk to be closed, and when a Kiosk is closed, no touchscreen input will be accepted at the Kiosk screen.

If a Kiosk Closed Image hasn't been configured and the Kiosk is Closed, the Kiosk will instead display the Home Screen Image, but no input will be accepted from the Kiosk touchscreen. It is therefore strongly recommended that if the Open From/To and/or Kiosk Close functions are going to be utilised, a Kiosk Closed Image should be configured.


To configure a Kiosk Closed Image, copy a 1080x1920 image into the Pictures folder on the Kiosk (C:\ProgramData\Idealpos Solutions\Idealpos\Pictures\).

Go to: Back Office > Setup > POS Terminals > Select the Kiosk Terminal > Modify > Display/Kiosk tab > Kiosk Closed Image > Enter the filename of the image.



When the Kiosk is closed, the Kiosk Closed Image will be displayed on the Kiosk and no input will be accepted.

For more information about Closing the Kiosk, refer to the Open From/To section or the Kiosk Function - Open/Close section.



The Kiosk Closed Image shown below is included in the Idealpos Demo Database.

The filename of the image is "Kiosk Closed.jpg" and can be found in one of the following folder locations:

C:\ProgramData\Idealpos Solutions\Idealpos\Pictures\

C:\ProgramData\Idealpos Solutions\Idealpos\PicturesDemo\



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Open From/To

The Open From/To function can be used to automatically open the Kiosk between the hours that have been entered and automatically close the Kiosk outside of the entered hours.

Enter the Open From/To times in 24 hour format.

When the current time falls between the hours entered in the Open From/To fields, the Kiosk will be available for use and will display the Home Screen Image.

When the current time falls outside the time range entered in the Open From/To fields, the Kiosk will display the Kiosk Closed Image.

If a Kiosk Closed Image has not been configured, the Kiosk will display the Home Screen Image.

It is therefore strongly recommended that a Kiosk Closed Image is configured if using this Open From/To function to automatically open and close the Kiosk.


E.g. If the Kiosk needs to automatically open at 9:00AM and close at 5:00PM, the times will need to be entered as follows:

Open From: 09:00

Open to: 17:00



After configuring the Open From/To times, we recommend restarting the Kiosk (Close Suite/Open Suite) to ensure that the change is applied.



We recommend that an Inactivity Timeout is configured when using the Open From/To function.

If a Customer leaves the Kiosk on the sale screen and walks away without cancelling or placing their order, the Kiosk will not automatically close until the sale is finalised or cancelled.

It is therefore recommended that the Inactivity Timeout be configured to ensure that the Kiosk returns to the Home Screen Image during inactivity, enabling the Kiosk to close automatically as per the Open From/To times.


When the current time falls between the Open From/To time, the Home Screen Image is displayed on the Kiosk.



When the current time falls outside the range between the Open From/To times, the Kiosk Closed image is displayed on the Kiosk and no user input is accepted.



If a customer places an order during the transition from the Kiosk being opened to being closed, the Kiosk will remain open for the customer to finish placing their order.

After the order is finalised (or Cancelled via the Cancel Order button), the Kiosk will close automatically and no further orders will be accepted.



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Kiosk Function - Open/Close

The Kiosk Function - Open/Close can be used from a standard POS Terminal at the venue to open or close networked Kiosk Terminals.



The Open/Close Kiosk function will override the Automatic Open From/To time until the Kiosk is restarted.

E.g. If the Kiosk is currently closed as per the Open From/To times and the "Open Kiosk" function is pressed on a Networked POS Terminal, the Kiosk status will change to Opened.

After the Kiosk is restarted, the Kiosk will have an Open or Closed status as determined by the current time and the times entered in the Open From/To fields.


To configure the Open/Close Kiosk Function, two buttons (Open Kiosk and Close Kiosk) will need to be created on the POS Screen(s) of the networked POS Terminals.

Go to: Back Office > Setup > POS Screen > POS Screen Setup > Select a POS Screen Layout > Buttons.


Select a POS Screen Tab on which the buttons are required and locate two unused/blank buttons.

As the Kiosk Function is an Admin/Manager function, we recommend creating the Close and Open Kiosk buttons on a button that is restricted to Managers.



Access to the Kiosk Function can be restricted via User/Clerk Permissions.

User Permissions are configured via Back Office > Setup > Users > Select User > Modify > Clerk Permissions > POS > Kiosk Function.

Clerk Permissions are configured via Back Office > Setup > Clerks > Select Clerk > Permissions > Clerk Permissions > POS > Kiosk Function.


Create the buttons as follows:


Function: Kiosk Function.

Kiosk Function: Open Kiosk

POS Range: If this button needs to Open a specific Kiosk Terminal or range of Kiosks, enter the Kiosk Terminal Numbers into this field. The Kiosk Numbers can be entered as a comma separated list (e.g. 1, 2, 3) or as a range (e.g. 1-3).



Function: Kiosk Function.

Kiosk Function: Close Kiosk

POS Range: If this button needs to Close a specific Kiosk Terminal or range of Kiosks, enter the Kiosk Terminal Numbers into this field. The Kiosk Numbers can be entered as a comma separated list (e.g. 1, 2, 3) or as a range (e.g. 1-3).



After pressing the Open Kiosk button from a networked POS Terminal, the Kiosk(s) will immediately display the Home Screen Image and will accept input from the touchscreen, enabling customers to use the Kiosk(s) to place their orders at the Kiosk.


After pressing the Close Kiosk button from a networked POS Terminal, the Kiosk(s) will display the Kiosk Closed Image and will not accept input from the touchscreen, preventing customers from using the Kiosk.

If a Kiosk is currently being used for a sale when the Close Kiosk button is pressed, the Kiosk will remain open for the duration of that sale, enabling the customer to finalise their order.

After they finalise their order, the Kiosk will close and display the Kiosk Closed image.


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Kiosk Function - Estimated Wait Time

The Estimated Wait Time function can be used to display an estimated wait time in minutes at the top of a Kiosk screen.

When consumers use a Kiosk, they will see an indication at the top of the Kiosk screen that will show the Estimated Wait Time in minutes.

The Estimated Wait Time is set manually via a standard Idealpos POS Terminal via a pre-configured Estimated Wait Time button.

When the Estimated Wait Time button is pressed, the clerk will enter the number of minutes and press OK > this will update the Estimated Wait Time that appears at the top of the Kiosk screens.

If an estimated wait time of 0 or 00 is entered, any previously entered Wait Time will be cleared from the Kiosk Screen.

A maximum Estimated Wait Time of 99 minutes can be set via this function.


To configure and use this function, go to: Back Office > Setup > POS Screen > POS Screen Setup > Select a POS Screen Layout > Buttons.

Select a POS Screen tab > Select a blank button and configure as follows:



After the button has been configured, save the button and close the POS Screen Layout windows.


From the POS Screen, press the POS Screen tab which the button was saved, then press the "Estimated Wait Time" button.

A prompt will appear which the Estimated Wait Time can be entered.



After entering the Estimated Wait Time, it will be sent to the Kiosk Terminals and they will display the Estimated Wait Time at the top of the Kiosk Screen.



If the Kiosk is currently in use when the Estimated Wait Time is set or changed, the newly set Estimated Wait Time will appear for the next Kiosk sale.

If the Kiosk isn’t currently in use (Kiosk is showing the Kiosk Home Screen welcome image), the Estimated Wait Time will appear after the Home Screen Image is closed.

If the Kiosk is restarted while an Estimated Wait Time has been set, the Estimated Wait Time will be displayed upon starting the Kiosk.



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Code Scanning/Pay by Points

Code Scanning can be enabled on the Kiosk so that Customers can scan their loyalty card, enabling them to accrue points as well as redeem their points on any purchase at the Kiosk.

When Code Scanning is enabled, the top of the Kiosk screen will display a button which the customer can press to scan their loyalty card.



To configure this function, go to: Back Office > Setup > POS Terminals > Select a Kiosk Terminal > Modify > Display/Kiosk tab > Enable Code Scanning.



After Code Scanning has been enabled, also ensure that a Points tender has been configured.

Go to: Back Office > Setup > Function Descriptors.

If a POINTS Tender doesn't exist, select the next available unused Tender (unused tenders are typically labelled as TENDER #, where # is the number of the Tender).

Configure the Tender as follows:



After the POINTS tender has been configured, go to: Back Office > Setup > Global Options > Customers > Miscellaneous > Points Tender > Select the Points tender that was configured in the previous step above.

Note that a Close Suite/Open Suite may be required to update the Points Tender Description shown in the dropdown box.



Go to: Back Office > Setup > Yes/No Options > Inhibit POINTS > Unchecked.

Also, the Finalise Warning can be enabled on the POINTS tender, so that if a Customer presses the Pay by Points button on the Kiosk, they will receive a warning asking them to confirm the point redemption.



Once configured, perform a Close Suite/Open Suite on the Kiosk to ensure that the change has been applied.


After starting the Kiosk, a button will appear at the top of the Kiosk screen that can be used to scan a Customer Loyalty Card.



After pressing the button, the button will prompt the Customer to scan their card.



After the card has been scanned, the button will display the Customer's Name and their current Points Balance.



When the customer presses the View Order button at the bottom of the Kiosk screen, the Kiosk will display a "Pay by Points" button on the bottom-left corner of the Kiosk screen.

The "Pay by Points" button will only appear when a Customer has been added to the sale.



If a Customer hasn't been added to the sale, the button will be hidden.



If the Finalise Warning has been enabled for the Points tender, the Customer will see a confirmation prompt when paying for their purchase using the button.



If the Customer has insufficient points, a prompt will be displayed preventing them from finalising the purchase with the Pay by Points button.



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Order Number Prompt

An Order Number Prompt can be enabled so that is displayed at the start of the sale on the Kiosk (just after the Home Screen image is closed).

The Order Number supports a maximum length of 10 digits and can be used to identify the Customer that placed the Kiosk order.

The Order Number will be printed onto the Kitchen Docket(s) as well as the Customer's Receipt.

E.g. The Customer can enter a number such as their Mobile Phone Number or any other number that the venue may want to use to identify the customer by.


To configure this function, go to: Back Office > Setup > POS Terminals > Select a Kiosk Terminal > Modify > Display/Kiosk tab > Enable "Order Number Prompt".



After the option has been enabled, close the POS Terminals configuration windows, then restart the Kiosk terminal.

If the venue has multiple Kiosk Terminals, repeat this step (enable the Order Number Prompt option on each Kiosk terminal that requires this function).


After the option has been enabled on the required Kiosk(s) and they have been restarted, the Order Number Prompt will be displayed on the Kiosk screen (after the Home Screen has been closed/dismissed).



After an Order Number is entered and the "OK" button is pressed, the Order Number will be displayed at the top of the Kiosk screen.



If the Order Number needs to be changed, simply press the Order Number at the top of the Kiosk screen and the Enter Order Number prompt will be displayed again; re-enter the correct Order Number and press "OK".



Kitchen Docket(s) and the Customer Receipt will contain the entered Order Number.



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Customising Kiosk Item Images

Stock Item images can be displayed on Kiosk buttons so that the consumer can see a visual representation of the item they are ordering.

The Stock Item images are configured within the POS Screen button on the POS Screen Grid in the same way as a standard POS Screen button.

The recommended image size for a Stock Item button on the Kiosk is 518x433 pixels.


Go to: Back Office > Setup > POS Screen > POS Screen Setup > Select the Kiosk layout > Buttons.

Select a Stock Item button and specify the image to use in the Graphic field.

The image file should be placed in the following folder location on each POS Terminal/Kiosk:

C:\ProgramData\Idealpos Solutions\Idealpos\Pictures\



When viewed on the Kiosk screen, the Stock Item button will appear and show the image as configured above:



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Customising the Kiosk POS Screen Grid

The Kiosk POS Screen Grid can be customised similar to a standard POS Screen Grid.

Go to: Back Office > Setup > POS Screen > POS Screen Setup.

If an existing Kiosk Grid does not already exist, press the 'Add' button.

Enter a name for the layout (e.g. Kiosk) and ensure that the Kiosk checkbox is enabled > Save.



After saving, close the Add New POS Screen Layouts window, then select the newly created Kiosk Layout > Select 'Buttons' on the top-left corner of the window.



The Kiosk layout can be configured in the same manner as a standard POS Screen Layout.



The Kiosk is limited to displaying the first 11 tabs in the POS Screen Layout. Any tabs that appear after the 11th tab will not be displayed on the Kiosk.

The first 11 tabs refers to the entire 9 tabs on the top row and the first two tabs that appear on the left-hand side of the bottom row.

The POS Screen tabs that are visible to the Kiosk have been labelled in the screenshot example below; non-visible tabs are not labelled.



Note that when configuring the Kiosk layout, the POS Screen Layout appears horizontally, whereas the Kiosk is displayed vertically.

Therefore, when adding Stock Items to the POS Screen Layout, add the items in a vertical fashion from top-down starting from the far left-hand side of the POS Screen Layout and working across the layout towards the right.

The Kiosk will display items in that order.

To demonstrate this visually, refer to the two screenshots shown below.



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Customising Kiosk Modifier Grids

When a consumer presses on an item, a page will be displayed on the Kiosk showing the following:


Modifier Grids can be created by going to: Back Office > Setup > POS Screen > Grids > Add.

Additional information about POS Screen Grids is available in the Grids page within the POS Screen Setup topic.


To link Modifier Grids to a Stock Item, go to: Back Office > File > Stock Control > Stock Items > Modify the required Stock Item > Advanced tab.

In the Modifier Grids field, specify the required Modifier Grids to appear in the required order.

The Modifier Grids will be displayed on the Kiosk in the order that they're listed in the Modifier Grids field.

If the Modifier Grids are only required to appear on the Kiosk, enable the Manual Modifier checkbox.



When viewed on the Kiosk screen, the Modifier Grids are displayed as separate sections below the Stock Item as shown in the example below:



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Pay at Counter button

The Kiosk contains a Pay at Counter button which can be configured to appear on the Kiosk screen. If this button is not required, it can be hidden.

When the Pay at Counter button is pressed, the order will be saved as a Pending Sale and a receipt printed.

The consumer can then go to a standard Idealpos POS Terminal which is currently open and being staffed by a Clerk to pay for their order.

Pending Sales will require the POSServer to be configured and enabled.

The PC that is running the POSServer must be powered on.

For further information about configuring POSServer, refer to the POSServer topic.

For further information about configuring Pending Sales, refer to the Pending Sales topic.


To set the Pay at Counter button as visible, go to: Back Office > Setup > POS Terminals > Select the Kiosk Terminal > Modify > Display/Kiosk.

Enable the 'Pay at Counter Button' checkbox.



As a basic demonstration of the Pay at Counter button, the Consumer will add their items to a sale.

The consumer will then press the 'View Order' or 'Checkout' button, then the 'Pay at Counter' button.



The Kiosk will print a receipt for the consumer to take to the counter.

The receipt will contain an order number and their ordered items.



By default, the Kiosk will not print a 'Pay at Counter' receipt for the Customer (the Pay at Counter receipt is basically a Pending Sale bill).

To enable the printing of a Pending Sale bill, the 'Print as Bill to Receipt Printer' option must be enabled.

To enable this option, go to: Back Office > Setup > Global Options > Sales > Pending Sales.

Enable checkbox 'Print as Bill to Receipt Printer'.

When this option is enabled and the Customer presses the 'Pay at Counter' button, a receipt will be printed to the Kiosk's Receipt Printer (as configured in Network Printers - Back Office > Setup > Network Printers).

More information about configuring Network Printers is available in the Network Printers topic.



The Clerk at a standard Idealpos POS Terminal can press the PENDING sale button:



A list of Pending Sales will be displayed; the consumer's Pending Sale (i.e. 'Pay at Counter' sale will be displayed in the list).

The Clerk will select the sale and press the 'OK' button.



The items that the consumer selected at the Kiosk will be added to the sale screen.

The Clerk can add any other items (if required), then press the ENTER button to go to the Tender screen and take payment from the consumer.




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Dine-In/Takeaway Prompt

If sales performed at the Kiosk need to have a Sale Type associated with them to identify whether the Customer is Dining In or Taking Away their order, the Dine-In/Takeaway prompt can be enabled.

When enabled, the Kiosk will display a Dine-In/Takeaway prompt at the start of each sale.

The Customer will need to press the desired option before they can start placing their order.


To configure this function, go to: Back Office > Setup > POS Terminals > Select the Kiosk Terminal > Modify > Display/Kiosk tab > Enable "Dine-In/Takeaway Prompt".



As this function utilises the Sale Type option, there needs to be at least two blank/unused Sale Type slots so that the Kiosk can automatically create the required Dine-In and Takeaway Sale Types.

If the Dine-In and Takeaway Sale Types already exist, the Kiosk will use them, but if they don't already exist, they will be created automatically (provided that there are two blank/unused Sale Type slots available).

If all Sale Type Status slots are in use and there are no Dine-In/Takeaway slots, pressing the Dine-In/Takeaway button on the prompt will result in no sale type being set for the sale.


The Sale Type slots can be checked by going to: Back Office > Setup > Global Options > Sales > Sale Type Status.



When the Customer starts a sale at the Kiosk, the Kiosk will display the "Dine-In/Takeaway?" prompt.

The Customer will need to press one of the options to continue.



Once selected, the main Kiosk screen will be displayed and the currently selected Sale Type will be displayed at the top of the Kiosk screen.



If the Customer changes their mind on the option they've selected, they can press the currently displayed Sale Type at the top of the Kiosk Screen.



The Kiosk will display the "Dine-In/Takeaway?" prompt again, where they can press the desired option.



The Sale Type displayed at the top of the Kiosk screen will display the new selection.



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Item Screen Font Bold

This option will enable Stock Items listed on the Kiosk screen to be displayed in bold font type.

Go to: Back Office > Setup > POS Terminals > Select the Kiosk > Modify > Display/Kiosk tab > Toggle the option "Item Screen Font Bold" as required.



The below shows examples of the Item Screen with the option enabled and disabled.






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Show Stock Notes

Stock Notes are supported on the Kiosk when the Show Stock Notes option is enabled in Back Office > Setup > POS Terminals > Modify > Display/Kiosk > Show Stock Notes.


Configure the Stock Notes in the Stock Item Advanced tab (Back Office > File > Stock Control > Stock Items > Select a Stock Item > Modify > Advanced).



When the customer presses on the Stock Item on the Kiosk screen, the Stock Notes will be displayed at the top of the screen as per the example below:



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Item Availability

Stock Item Availability is supported on the Kiosk.

When an item is unavailable, the Stock Item button on the Kiosk will be greyed out and will show as "Item Unavailable".

Attempting to add an unavailable item will trigger the button to flash and the item is not added to the sale.

Availability can be set from a standard Idealpos POS Terminal or the Back Office.

More information about Availability can be found by clicking here.



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Exit POS Password

To prevent consumers from closing the Kiosk screen and accessing the Windows Desktop, ensure that an Exit POS Password is configured.

The Password is configured in Back Office > Setup > POS Terminals > Select the Kiosk Terminal > Modify > Display/Kiosk > Exit POS Password.

It is strongly recommended that an Exit POS Password is set for the Kiosk terminals to prevent consumers from closing the Kiosk and returning to the Windows Desktop.



An Exit POS Password can also be set in Back Office > Setup > Global Options > General > Exit POS Password.

If an Exit POS Password is not configured for the Kiosk Terminal, then the Exist POS Password configured in Global Options will be used.



After setting or changing the Exit POS Password, the Kiosk will need to be restarted for the change to take effect.

A prompt for a Password will be displayed when the 'X' button is pressed on the top-right corner of the Kiosk screen.



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Inactivity Timeout

The Inactivity Timeout is the amount of time in seconds that the Kiosk will wait for before timing out and returning to the Home Screen Image.

The Inactivity Timeout can be configured by going to: Back Office > Setup > POS Terminals > Select the Kiosk Terminal > Modify > Display/Kiosk.

Within the Inactivity Timeout field, enter the number of seconds that the Kiosk will wait for before it shows the Inactivity prompt.

Any button pressed by the consumer while they're operating the Kiosk will trigger the timeout counter to reset and starting counting down again.



Once the Inactivity Timeout is reached due to inactivity, the Kiosk will display a prompt to the consumer asking them if they're still ordering.

This prompt will remain on-screen for 10 seconds.

Pressing No will void any items added and will return to the Home Screen.

Pressing Yes will return to the same Kiosk screen that was displayed prior to the prompt appearing, enabling the consumer to continue placing their order.

Any items that have been added to the order so far will remain.

If an option is not selected on the prompt within 10 seconds, the Kiosk will treat this order as abandoned; any items that were added to the order will be voided and the Kiosk will return to the Home Screen, ready for the next customer to place their order.



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